
Celebrity Status

If you ever need an ego boost and want to feel like a celebrity move to a foreign country where you stick out :). I think every weekend that I head into Opuwo I feel like a celebrity walking the streets as people are calling my name. So this past weekend it was magnified for some reason and was definitely interesting. I went in on Thursday to get emails and phone calls made since I don’t have network during the week. I had forgotten my cell phone charger back at the school so I had to find one that would fit my phone; plus I had other errands that needed to be ran. I went into a china shop to look to see if they sold blankets and asked if they had phone chargers as well. (side note: China shops are small shops where you find the most random stuff but it is usually where you find everything you need. They are, most of the time, ran by Chinese.) I struck out on the blankets but the guy said he sold chargers so he leaves and comes back 5 minutes later with his OWN charger and tells me he will charge it for me. I had to get to the cafe to get internet so I asked if I could take it to charge my phone and bring it right back. He said sure and handed it over; ask me if that will ever happen in the states. While he was looking for his charger to lend me the lady who was in the store loved my dress. She told me she wanted it now now now; meaning that I take it off right there and give it to her. I told her that when my mom came down and brought me different clothes that she could take my dress. She then saw my pocket book and took it off my body and proceeded to parade around the store with it asking why she doesn’t have this because it looks so good. It wasn’t even 9:30 AM by this point. I leave the store and head to find a charger because I didn’t want to have to use this man’s charger all weekend. I found a sketch looking shop called Wiz Cell and walked in. They had a universal charger kit for 8 USD so I bought that and had them test it before I walked out; Success! So I walked back to the store and returned the man’s charger. Let me remind you, Opuwo is basically one road so people can watch you walk around like a crazy person. Well, apparently a man was because as I was walking back to the restaurant he stopped me and asked what was wrong because he had seen me walk back and forth numerous times. He thought I was lost or there was a problem. I laughed and said, “No, I am a teacher that has a lot of errands to finish today.” As I parted with him a man and his 3 kids were walking behind me. We greeted eachother in Otjiherero then he proceeded to tell me all the names of his kids and ask mine. I continued to walk and he grabbed my hand and put his youngest child’s hand in mine. So I am now walking down the street holding a young child’s hand. This went on for about 5 minutes. All I could do was smile at the girl as she stared up at me the whole time. Somewhere in between all of this a guy was standing with his friends in front of the Catholic Church and as I was walking ran towards me with a camera and was asking to take my picture. As if I don’t feel like I stand out enough. I kindly declined and told him I lived there and wasn’t a random white person. This all happened before I even had my breakfast and coffee. Later that weekend Mailin and I went local and ate meat off the street at the location. It was fresh goat and beef in onions and spices. It was delicious! As we were leaving a man came rushing at us with a camera again. I swear, people have our pictures everywhere. Sunday, as we were heading to breakfast 2 ladies were screaming my name from the inside of a store and waving. This is a daily occurrence when we are in Opuwo. It is almost like they know one of our names and scream it to see who answers haha.

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